The series premiered on Nickelodeon in the United States on August 12, 2013. TVO first ran previews of the show in August 2013. In Canada, the series is primarily broadcast on TVOntario as part of the TVOKids programming block. PAW Patrol is a Canadian computer-animated children’s television series created by Keith Chapman and produced by Spin Master Entertainment, with animation provided by Guru Studio. So why wait? Get started on your next crafting adventure today with the Paw Patrol SVG collection! What is Paw Patrol? This collection features a wide range of designs and images from the popular children’s show, Paw Patrol, which can be used to add some extra pizzazz to all kinds of crafts and projects. If you’re looking for a fun and exciting way to spice up your crafting projects, look no further than the Paw Patrol SVG collection.